Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sentences Building, Hump Day and my Obsession!!!

 Yesterday we practiced building 4 part sentences!!!  Who? Did What? Where? and When?  I think the kids did an amazing job building these!!!  Proud teacher right here!!!
 Fun during centers yesterday!!!  Hard at work!!!
 One of my former little hoots who is a big Kinder now came by yesterday to show me his journal!!  I love seeing him!!!!
One funny from today!!!  Today while we were doing the calendar one student raised his hand and said "do you know that today is a special day?" I said yes...naturally I was thinking 9/11 so I said, "what is special about today?"  His's HUMP DAY!!!!  LOVE IT!!!!
Have you heard about my little loves?!?!?!  This is Boston and Fenway!!!  I am obsessed with cuties and wanted to give them some blog time!!!  

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