Friday, September 20, 2013

Donation, Fall Happy and Awesome Kids!

 Our class has been so blessed by an anonymous donor!!!  Our class is now the owner of 4 brand new iPad mini's!!!  Do you realize how much learning is going to take place over these 4 little things?!?!?!  I am so grateful and thrilled beyond belief over this awesome gift!!!!  Let the learning begin...or should I say continue ;)  I can't say thank you enough!!!
 Check out this super cute Hoot that Jacob brought me to school yesterday!!!!  LOVE IT!!!  he is already hanging in our classroom!!!!!
 Everyday I read to our class 2 chapters from the Junie B. Jones series and the kids LOVE it!!!  I honestly think it is the only time of day they are quiet haha!!!  minus the constant laughter!!!  Junie B is quiet the joker!!!  Well Aiden asked me if he could read a page to the class!!!  He did of my memories from my first grade class was when my classmates would read books to us.....if it made an impression on me, I am sure it will make an impression on these fab firsties, too!!!  GO AIDEN!!!!
 Baylee and Neil were chosen this month to be our class kids with character!!!  They have shown our class what true RESPECT is by being a great example!!!!  Way to go guys!!!  YOU ROCK!!!
Amy was our SPOTLIGHT this week and was our student teacher!!!  She was wonderful she made sure our behavior was on point this week!!!  LOVE HER!!!!!

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