Sunday, September 29, 2013

Story Tacos!!!!

Last week we started learning about the part of a story!!  What better to learn than to use "food" so we made Story Taco's!!!  The kids loved it....while you are reading with your children ask them if they can walk you through the story you just read by answering the story taco!!! 
Here we are making our cute story tacos!!!!

For word study last week we introduced a new game called "I have.....who has....??  They say the word on their cards and then that person stands up and reads then it just continues till everyone has had a turn.  They loved it!!! 

My sweet little friend Fallan...who was a little hoot last year in Pre-K made me this super cute pen!!  I love chevies!!!!!!
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Monday, September 23, 2013

Centers and Happy Birthday Matthew

 Hard at work on the work with words center!!! 
 Literacy games are a fun way to get the kids learning!!!  They love this game that was given to me by a teacher friend!!!
Matthew had a birthday over the weekend!!!  He is our 5th 7 year old!!!  Can you tell he is super excited about being 7!!!!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Donation, Fall Happy and Awesome Kids!

 Our class has been so blessed by an anonymous donor!!!  Our class is now the owner of 4 brand new iPad mini's!!!  Do you realize how much learning is going to take place over these 4 little things?!?!?!  I am so grateful and thrilled beyond belief over this awesome gift!!!!  Let the learning begin...or should I say continue ;)  I can't say thank you enough!!!
 Check out this super cute Hoot that Jacob brought me to school yesterday!!!!  LOVE IT!!!  he is already hanging in our classroom!!!!!
 Everyday I read to our class 2 chapters from the Junie B. Jones series and the kids LOVE it!!!  I honestly think it is the only time of day they are quiet haha!!!  minus the constant laughter!!!  Junie B is quiet the joker!!!  Well Aiden asked me if he could read a page to the class!!!  He did of my memories from my first grade class was when my classmates would read books to us.....if it made an impression on me, I am sure it will make an impression on these fab firsties, too!!!  GO AIDEN!!!!
 Baylee and Neil were chosen this month to be our class kids with character!!!  They have shown our class what true RESPECT is by being a great example!!!!  Way to go guys!!!  YOU ROCK!!!
Amy was our SPOTLIGHT this week and was our student teacher!!!  She was wonderful she made sure our behavior was on point this week!!!  LOVE HER!!!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday Math!!

 Our class fish Razor got an Extreme Home Makeover today!!!  The past 2 years he has been taken care of by my fabulous para Mrs. Shaide!  She cleaned his bowl and always fed him!!  Fast forward to this year....Mrs. Strom doesn't do fish and Mrs. Shaide isn't my para so I got this really cool self cleaning tank!!  Here hoping he likes it!!!
 I feel like I never post things that we do for Math so I wanted to show you something fun we did today!!!  We are learning about how when you add the addends can be swapped back and forth and you still get the same sum!!  So today each table got a number and they brainstormed different ways they could could that number as a sum!!!  It was very fun and they enjoyed presenting!!!
During that fun Math lesson Will told me his tooth was about to come out so I told him to get a paper towel and pull it out....and guess what he did and now he is missing his front tooth!!! 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Grandparents and Happy Birthday Cayden!

 Yesterday was Cayden's Birthday!!!!
 I love that everytime I take her picture she smiles like this!!!  So fun!!!
Yesterday was grandparents day and we had so many friends and family come to our room and spend some time with us.  These are just a few I had on my phone!!! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sentences Building, Hump Day and my Obsession!!!

 Yesterday we practiced building 4 part sentences!!!  Who? Did What? Where? and When?  I think the kids did an amazing job building these!!!  Proud teacher right here!!!
 Fun during centers yesterday!!!  Hard at work!!!
 One of my former little hoots who is a big Kinder now came by yesterday to show me his journal!!  I love seeing him!!!!
One funny from today!!!  Today while we were doing the calendar one student raised his hand and said "do you know that today is a special day?" I said yes...naturally I was thinking 9/11 so I said, "what is special about today?"  His's HUMP DAY!!!!  LOVE IT!!!!
Have you heard about my little loves?!?!?!  This is Boston and Fenway!!!  I am obsessed with cuties and wanted to give them some blog time!!!  

Monday, September 9, 2013

Nouns, Verbs, Sentences, Library and a Lizard!

 Kaleb found a lizard and at the end of the day last week he let us take a look!!!
 We have been learning how to build sentences!!!  So far we have written 2 part sentences.  We wrote "Who" "Did What?" I liked these sentences!!!  I am also glad to know that according to one child I am a good teacher....another thought that I was just kinda nice ha!!!

 Some wear red and white and some support another schools and we let that slide!!!  I was happy to announce today that the Razorbacks pulled off another win!!!
 Friday we went to the Library and had a lesson!!!  FUN TIMES!
Today we started learning about ACTION WORDS aka VERBS!!!  I had 25 action words in a bag and they got to draw out the verb and then act it out while the rest of guessed what it was!!  They loved and I can see we will have to play this one again!!!!  
 Matthew has some impressive snapping skills!!!
 Olivia B. did a great job pushing....we don't push our friends though!!
 Our Noun Names turned out super fab!! I was so impressed by their drawing and writing!!!!
Here are this weeks spelling words!! They all have a short o in them!!! 
Happy Monday!!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Terrific Tuesday and Wonderful Wednesday

 We have started our Spotlight area each week a student will be chosen to be our Spotlight for the week!!  They get to write a little interview and bring some pictures!!!  This week our Spotlight was Ally!!!  She is getting a new puppy this week and so is her twin brother!!!!
 Yesterday we went back to the computer lab and something about little boys and big headphones just make me smile!!  ADORBS!!!
 We did some center work yesterday!!  Not all of our centers are open yet, but we are having fun learning the rules for each center!!!!

 Today we did a fun little NOUN activity!!!  We took the letters in our name to make a little mini book....for each letter in our name we had to draw and write a noun under the letter....we aren't finished yet, but they turned out so cute.  I love their little creative minds!!!
 Today we read the book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day!  I love this book and since we are talking about Character Feelings this week this was a good book to show how characters feel!!!  Then we went back to our tables and did this little activity and illustrated....I LOVED THIS ONE!!!!  Railroad pajamas.....ADORBS!!!
This is one of my little friends that has been coming to school with me this week!!  Her mommy and I are great friends... She is in Kinder this year and her parents are in the Ukraine getting her big sister that they are adopting!!!  I have loved the extra hands in the mornings!!!