Friday, August 31, 2012


Look at all these cute LITTLE HOOTS who dressed up in the Razorback stuff to represent the first football game tomorrow!!!!

We can't forget Arkansas other team the RED WOLVES!!!

We had some support for ROBERTS too!!!!

Today we had our first indoor play due to ISSAC!  We play in our flex motor doing gross motor activites!  It was so much fun!

Have you checked out your child's owl on the wall outside?  This is our OWL quilt! We had so much fun making this quilt....makes for a good framer at your house, too!

Today we also were reviewing patterns!  We made a boy girl pattern.  He we are in our patterened line! 

THANK YOU to Amy Smith for bringing our kids RAZORBACK tattoos for us to wear today!!  We loved them!  When we wake up from nap we will sing the RAZORBACK FIGHT SONG and CALL THOSE HOGS!  We will also vote every Friday on who will win the game on Saturday!  We love graphs!


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