Thursday, August 30, 2012

ESI Testing.....and My Favorite Thing about Pre-K

This week we started doing the testing for the ESI!  This is a screening that allows us to see areas that may need to be looked at more closely and areas that they are excelling in!  If a child does not pass the screener then we are able to get them some services that will help them in the future.   I am happy to report that we all passed the screener!  One part of the screener is being able to draw a person.  This is something that everyone could work on at home!  Drawing people with a head, eyes, nose, mouth, arms, legs, feet, and hands!  We will be drawing people a lot in Pre-K so it is something good to work on!!!

Today we did a writing about our favorite thing about PRE-K!  Here is a picture of the responses!  I loved their answers!  Adrian's got cut off during the pic he said playing!

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