Tuesday, August 21, 2012

HOOT HUNT.....and Happy Birthday Ella Grace...and Centers!!!

Today the Hoots have been very busy!  We started off our morning by going on a HOOT HUNT!  What's a hunt without out binoculars and magnifying glasses! 

How cute are we?

Major found one hiding out in the front office!  We learned that Mrs. Anderson's Office, Mrs. Simms, and Mrs. Rynders offices are all in the front office! 

Well, hey there Brandon!

One of the hoots was in the Nurses office!  We all got to meet Nurse Hart!  We hope we never have to go back, but if we do we will know we are in good hands!

Today we had our first birthday!  Ella Grace turned 5!  We all sang Happy Birthday to her!  This is her in the Birthday Glasses!  So CUTE!

These little hoots loved playing in CENTERS today!  Hopefully by the end of the week we will have the centers up and running!  I know they will LOVE that!

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Strom, you are the best!!! Thank you so much for keeping us posted in all things. LOVE THIS BUNCH OF HOOTS!!!
