Friday, August 31, 2012


Look at all these cute LITTLE HOOTS who dressed up in the Razorback stuff to represent the first football game tomorrow!!!!

We can't forget Arkansas other team the RED WOLVES!!!

We had some support for ROBERTS too!!!!

Today we had our first indoor play due to ISSAC!  We play in our flex motor doing gross motor activites!  It was so much fun!

Have you checked out your child's owl on the wall outside?  This is our OWL quilt! We had so much fun making this quilt....makes for a good framer at your house, too!

Today we also were reviewing patterns!  We made a boy girl pattern.  He we are in our patterened line! 

THANK YOU to Amy Smith for bringing our kids RAZORBACK tattoos for us to wear today!!  We loved them!  When we wake up from nap we will sing the RAZORBACK FIGHT SONG and CALL THOSE HOGS!  We will also vote every Friday on who will win the game on Saturday!  We love graphs!


Thursday, August 30, 2012

ESI Testing.....and My Favorite Thing about Pre-K

This week we started doing the testing for the ESI!  This is a screening that allows us to see areas that may need to be looked at more closely and areas that they are excelling in!  If a child does not pass the screener then we are able to get them some services that will help them in the future.   I am happy to report that we all passed the screener!  One part of the screener is being able to draw a person.  This is something that everyone could work on at home!  Drawing people with a head, eyes, nose, mouth, arms, legs, feet, and hands!  We will be drawing people a lot in Pre-K so it is something good to work on!!!

Today we did a writing about our favorite thing about PRE-K!  Here is a picture of the responses!  I loved their answers!  Adrian's got cut off during the pic he said playing!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Meet some of my friends......

These are what I like to call my Color People Friends!
I wanted you to meet them so that you could use them at your house with your children!  It is a great crossover from school to home! 

RUDY RED- she is rude and always has bad manners.  She basically says things are hurtful and never shares!
YELLING YELLOW- He is always yelling and talking out during school!
WHINY WHITE- She whines and cries about things she can't or doesn't want to to!
GREEDY GREEN- He always wants to be first and never gives anyone else a chance!
BETTY BLUE- She is always sad and thinks she is never good enough she gets her feelings hurt easily!
POUTY PURPLE- He pouts when he doesn't get his way or when he doesn't feel like trying!
POKEY PINK- She is late for everything and is always the last to do things!  She has a hard time keeping up in line!
BUTT-IN BROWN- He is always interrupting adults and other friends conversations.  He talks about during circle!
Then you have the friend that we all want to be like!  He is OUTSTANDING ORANGE!  He is always doing the right thing!!

The kids really love using these color friends as examples.  They all want to be OUTSTANDING ORANGES!!! Feel free to use this at your house!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Terrific Tuesday and First Fire Drill!!!

Fierce Katie!

Ryan loves playing with the Alligator!!!

Today we had our very first Fire Drill!  We all did a great job.  I was worried some kids might be scared of the loud noises, but they were perfect!  We all stayed quiet and did exactly like we were supposed to do!

Lunch Buddies!  We are learning how to open things in our lunches by ourselves! 

Peyton and Gage sit together almost every day!  They have become fast friends!  

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sleepy Hoots!

This is a part of our day that we all enjoy :)!  We all cuddle up and sleep on our mats!  Today I couldn't resist taking a few pics of these sleepy heads!  SO SWEET!!!

Hoot of the Week!!!!! CARLY!!!!

We have our very first Hoot of the Week!!!!  Carly!!!!  Carly is 5 years old!  Her favorite color is Purple and she loves to eat at Larry's Pizza!  She also loves to swim and go to the beach!  She is an ASU football fan!  Go Red Wolves!!!  We are very lucky to have Carly in our class!  Isn't she precious!

Every Monday we will have a new hoot of the week!  It is selected with a random draw!  We rotate girls then boys every other week!  Every child will get a turn!  It is a surprise to your children, but I will notify you by email on the Friday before so you can be looking in your child's backpack for the HOOT BAG!!! 

I will post another post later today with what we are doing today!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Spirit Shirt Friday!!!

On Friday's we always welcome our fun Roberts T-shirts!  These are our lovely models showing us the 3 new shirts for this year!  Aren't they so cute!  If you want to purchase one you can near the front office!!  You don't have to have one though!  We will also be giving you classroom shirts that are super cute!!!  We like to wear those on Friday's, too sometimes!

Happy Friday Y'all!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 4 and we still want More!...and a couple of Happy Hoots!

Today has been a wonderful day!  I had 2 friends that got moved UP TO BLUE for HAPPY HOOT!!!!  They have been doing the right thing all week, but today they were so helpful and just went over and beyond to do the right thing!  Congrats Peyton and Ava!  WAY TO GO!!!!

We also practiced moving around in our centers!  They took their center name with them as they went!  We are still working on cleaning up after we are finished playing but hey it's only day 4!  We still have a lot to learn!  Here are a few pictures from today!

Today some boys played with dinosaurs!  They were hanging them by their tails!!

I hope everyone is having a thrilling Thursday!  Also, I promise all children will get a shot on the blog!  I take such random pictures but I will makes sure I get everyone as many times as possible! 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Getting to know ME!!!!!!

• This is my 9th year to teach Pre-K and it is the greatest job ever!

• I have a husband named Kevin! He works for Clear channel here in Little Rock!

• My husband and I are huge Boston red sox fans, we have 2 black and white cocker spaniels named Boston and Fenway!

• I go to church at Immanuel Baptist Church and have for 33 years!

• My parents are Ronnie and Jana McKnight and I am an only child! We are very close!

• I come from a long line of teachers and I vowed that I would never be a teacher (guess that was wrong)

• I LOVE CHICK-FIL-A I could eat it every single day and sometimes I do HAHA!

• I am a huge RAZORBACK fan and will be attending as many games as possible this fall! GO HOGS!

• I love to grill out with friends and tailgate!

• I love to blog and take pictures….i bet you figured that out already!

• I love what a do and I am glad that I am teaching at ROBERTS!!!

Whistle While You Work.........

Emily was playing with some super fun gloves at the housekeeping center!!!!

Ava and Nathan were sorting out the groceries they just got!!!!!

Move over Paula Dean....there is a new Chef in town!!!!

Today we learned about our "Magic Board" aka the SMARTboard!  The kids got to come up and write the first letter in their name on the board!  To say the loved is an understatement!!
Below are pictures of Izzy and Davis checking it out!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

HOOT HUNT.....and Happy Birthday Ella Grace...and Centers!!!

Today the Hoots have been very busy!  We started off our morning by going on a HOOT HUNT!  What's a hunt without out binoculars and magnifying glasses! 

How cute are we?

Major found one hiding out in the front office!  We learned that Mrs. Anderson's Office, Mrs. Simms, and Mrs. Rynders offices are all in the front office! 

Well, hey there Brandon!

One of the hoots was in the Nurses office!  We all got to meet Nurse Hart!  We hope we never have to go back, but if we do we will know we are in good hands!

Today we had our first birthday!  Ella Grace turned 5!  We all sang Happy Birthday to her!  This is her in the Birthday Glasses!  So CUTE!

These little hoots loved playing in CENTERS today!  Hopefully by the end of the week we will have the centers up and running!  I know they will LOVE that!

Monday, August 20, 2012

My First Day of Pre-K Part 2

Today was such a fun day!  Everyone had a great time!  First thing this morning we took our first day of pre-k pics!  Enjoy!

 Ella Grace

Are these not the cutest things you have ever seen!?!?!

Here we are waiting to get on the playground!  We had to learn the rules first!!!!