Thursday, January 9, 2014

No Power....No Problem

 We started the morning off in the dark due to some power outages in the area....that didn't stop us from going on with our day!  We had Joslyn's dad come as our watch dog this morning.  He pulled different groups to play sight word bingo!!  The kids love one on one time!!
 Meanwhile the rest of us worked our spelling words for the week!!  Jacob is the teacher and Ezra is the student!
 Mrs. Stacker's class had to join us for a bit because her room is really dark so they came and reviewed with us!!
I was so glad Jovani was back today!!  He has been in Africa over the break visiting!  He even brought me back some yummy chocolate!!
We had so much fun today adapting to not having many friends with us, but it was so much fun and lots of learning, too!!!
We have been talking about Wants/Needs this week in Social Studies and I decided that I NEED this little Boston in my life!!! Sorry, I couldn't resist!

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