Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014...My Blogging Fingers are Back!

 Will was so excited that FSU pulled off the win last night....he has been all smiles today!!!
 Go Cayden Go!!!!  Looks to me like I had some friends that practiced their reading over the break....I am super impressed!!!
 Since it is a new year today first thing we made a list of resolutions that we wanted to make for our classroom.....they came up with these all on their own and I think they are perfect!!!  We talked about how we were zooming into this new year and were going to start getting ready for 2nd grade!!!  We talked about how we are going to be on point in 2014 and do our very best!!

We are still working on writing opinion pieces and this weeks topic is Which do you like best? Winter or Summer!
We wrote our topic and the topic sentence today!!!!  More to come on!
Also, I am making it my person resolution to keep my blog on point during this new year.  When I was teaching pre-k I was a daily blogger and since I had the shock of a lifetime and moved to 1st grade I needed some time to get my feet wet....well they are ready to go now and I promise to do better!!  I have an audience that needs my attention :)  You know who you are!
I was going to try and go back and try to play catch up but that is too hard:)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, your audience is happy today! Opinion writing in 1st grade--who knew! And, making resolutions is a good practice and may help mom and dad, too ;-)
