Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Making Predictions, a Birthday, and Deer Teeth

 Today we worked on making predictions...we looked at the cover of the book Squirrel's New Years Resolution and before we read the book we made predictions of what his resolution would be!!!  No one guess it but his resolution was to help one person a day!!!  That's a good one!!
 Over the break Jessica turned 7....she is super excited!!!!  She also is very excited because Santa brought her a new puppy!!!
 Check out those deer teeth...Ally's grandpa found these teeth and Ally loved showing them to the class!!
 Today we continued working on our opinion piece in's goal was to add the reason we had this opinion...Matthew was really thinking hard about his reasons!  We had to write 3 complete sentences with a capital and a period!
Firsties hard a work!!
Hope everyone is staying warm out there!!!

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