Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Promotion and Brian and Terri Kinder

 Yesterday was our graduation it was so much fun!!!  I stole these pictures off of fb!!!  I appreciate all of you for allowing me to teach your babies!!!  I know it is bittersweet but maybe I will get to have them in a couple of years in 1st grade. 

Today Brian and Terri Kinder came to our school to do a concert!!!  We had them all to ourselves and the kids loved it.  We sing their songs constantly and so seeing them in person sure was fun!!! 
Only a few more days left....I know that next week is a lot of our kids last day.  Bring on Summer!!!!
Also, I feel it necessary to state that my heart is very heavy today about the events that happened yesterday with the Moore, OK tornados.  I can't even begin to imagine how these people put their lives back together.  I also know that several of the kids have been talking about today and it know that at this age it is good to talk and discuss feelings. 

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