Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Center Time Fun!!!

In case you ever wonder what we do during a portion of our day....this is what it looks like.  During this time I am able to work one on one with some kids and interact with them and see what kind of language they are using and new vocabulary they are using!!!  We learn so much about them when we seen them interacting with their peers.  This is a great time to learn to share, make friends, solve problems etc......

 So last night wasn't exactly the greatest night of sleep due to 2 fur babies that didn't want to sleep so Davis and his mom brought me this so I could make it through the day!!!  How sweet is that?!?!?!  The kids were a bit curious about what I was drinking haha....I can assure you all it was just Red asked me why I brought my WINE to school bahahahaha!!!!

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