Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Busy Busy Busy...and bragging on some kids!!!!

 This has been a very busy week we started the week off writing in our journals and doing a writing sample!!!  Here are some boys hard at work....Bryson said this is his smooth pose!!!
 If you haven't been to the hallway you haven't seen our Guess the Mom drawings!!!  You all look super pretty!!!!!  We also have the interviews hanging on the walls....and don't hate me I just put what they said ;)
 Teacher Appreciation is super fun....LOOK AT ALL THESE PRETTIES!!!!!!  We  LOVE them and they smell so nice....I can't find my candy picture or I would have included it!!!
Now I have to brag on some kids!!!  These kids (plus Fallan, Conner, and Izzy who aren't pictured due to absence) know all of their upper and lower case letters!!!  This is huge and it going to give them a jump start to Kindergarten!!!  I also have about 3 kids that are just 1 or 2 away!! I am so proud!!!! 

These students right here plus a couple that aren't here know all their number up to 20!!!  This is AWESOME way to go guys!!!  I am so proud of you!!!!!

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