Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Promotion and Brian and Terri Kinder

 Yesterday was our graduation it was so much fun!!!  I stole these pictures off of fb!!!  I appreciate all of you for allowing me to teach your babies!!!  I know it is bittersweet but maybe I will get to have them in a couple of years in 1st grade. 

Today Brian and Terri Kinder came to our school to do a concert!!!  We had them all to ourselves and the kids loved it.  We sing their songs constantly and so seeing them in person sure was fun!!! 
Only a few more days left....I know that next week is a lot of our kids last day.  Bring on Summer!!!!
Also, I feel it necessary to state that my heart is very heavy today about the events that happened yesterday with the Moore, OK tornados.  I can't even begin to imagine how these people put their lives back together.  I also know that several of the kids have been talking about today and it know that at this age it is good to talk and discuss feelings. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Class Picnic!!!

I meant to add this picture earlier this week and forgot till just now!!  This was from our Picnic on Wednesday!! We had so much fun!!
This week has been very jammed packed with practicing for our promotion on Monday at 9!!  I know the school calendar says 8 but it is at 9!!!
This a very special day for your child and they are so excited!!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Kindergarten Safari and Little Hoot Reunion!!!!

 This morning your children went to Kindergarten Safari!!!  They got to experience a little taste of Kinder!!!!  From the looks on their faces they had a great time!!!!
Here they are busy at work!!!
 One of the kids favorite things to do while they are playing outside is fixing our hair.....Fallan gave Mrs. Shaide a very interesting do today!!!!

Meanwhile while your kids were in Kindergarten, the current Kinder students went to the First Grade Classrooms and the current 1st graders came outside with the PREK team!!!  So I rounded up all my Little Hoots from my first year at Roberts and we took a reunion pic!!!  I HEART PIC!!!  I can't tell you how much these little kids mean to me......so just because your kids move on doesn't mean they aren't forever a little hoot I will hunt them down!!!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mother's Day Tea!!!

Yesterday was so much fun!!!  Thanks to everyone that came to the TEA!!!!  I hope you enjoyed it and loved the gifts!!!  I am working on getting the video posted but so far no luck I am still working on it!!!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Busy Busy Busy...and bragging on some kids!!!!

 This has been a very busy week we started the week off writing in our journals and doing a writing sample!!!  Here are some boys hard at work....Bryson said this is his smooth pose!!!
 If you haven't been to the hallway you haven't seen our Guess the Mom drawings!!!  You all look super pretty!!!!!  We also have the interviews hanging on the walls....and don't hate me I just put what they said ;)
 Teacher Appreciation is super fun....LOOK AT ALL THESE PRETTIES!!!!!!  We  LOVE them and they smell so nice....I can't find my candy picture or I would have included it!!!
Now I have to brag on some kids!!!  These kids (plus Fallan, Conner, and Izzy who aren't pictured due to absence) know all of their upper and lower case letters!!!  This is huge and it going to give them a jump start to Kindergarten!!!  I also have about 3 kids that are just 1 or 2 away!! I am so proud!!!! 

These students right here plus a couple that aren't here know all their number up to 20!!!  This is AWESOME way to go guys!!!  I am so proud of you!!!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Center Time Fun!!!

In case you ever wonder what we do during a portion of our day....this is what it looks like.  During this time I am able to work one on one with some kids and interact with them and see what kind of language they are using and new vocabulary they are using!!!  We learn so much about them when we seen them interacting with their peers.  This is a great time to learn to share, make friends, solve problems etc......

 So last night wasn't exactly the greatest night of sleep due to 2 fur babies that didn't want to sleep so Davis and his mom brought me this so I could make it through the day!!!  How sweet is that?!?!?!  The kids were a bit curious about what I was drinking haha....I can assure you all it was just Red Bull....one asked me why I brought my WINE to school bahahahaha!!!!