Friday, January 18, 2013

We have a new hoot......Mariana and some other fun stuff!!!

Today we got a new Little Hoot!!!!  Her name is Mariana and she is from Mexico City, Mexico!  Her and her family just moved here and guess what?  They love Little Rock!!!  The kids were so excited today to meet her play with her!!  They all loved that she speaks Spanish and some English!!!!  She has a sister who is next door in Mrs. Hardin's Class!!!!  
Here are some pictures of her playing today on her first day of school at Roberts!!!  The girls really loved showing her around our room and how to play!!!
Yesterday we went outside and played for the first time since we have been back from break.  I had to get some cute shots of us playing in the ice that was left over from our surprise ice day!!!
Today Ava made her name out of rhythm sticks!!!!!!!

We are so glad that Fallan is back with us!!!  She has been our recovering and she had a birthday while she was out sick!!!!!  We haven't seen her since the break!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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