Tuesday, January 29, 2013

NO Pics :( too busy!!!!

Today has been so busy that I didn't even have a change to pull out my camera!!!!  The first thing we did today we play in centers and learn how to share and work through our problems when we encounter them in our center!!!  Mrs. Shaide was busy hanging up our new artwork for our classroom!!!!  We love looking around and see our work!!!
Then we PLAYED OUTSIDE!!!!!  We love days when the weather is nice and we get to play outside.  We had a few sprinkles fall on us but that didn't stop us from having a good time!!!
When we came back to the classroom we had some visitors from Hall High School there to observe and play with us!  They were really nice and then even sat with us at lunch!!!!  After lunch that played with us in our center while Mrs. Strom tested us on our letters!!! 
Now we are all resting and waiting to see who the best hibernator will be!!!!!!!

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