Thursday, January 31, 2013


 Nathan loves to come and sit with Mrs. Strom and he knows I love to take pictures haha!!!
 The cuteness in this picture is killing me!!!!  Conner came over to show me what he was playing in housekeeping center!!!!!
 I think they are going to give Baldwin and Shell a run for their money.....they are quite the builders!!!
 Today the man came to do his last talk on animals!!!!  Some of our class got to volunteer....and Gage in this hat cracks me up!!!
Tickets  are now on sale.....GO GET ONE!!!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


We had a couple of fashion forward folks today so I had to get their pictures!!!!!
Major and Bryson are hard at work working this morning during centers!!!!  They both had a great journal!!!!!

 Check out what Brandon wrote in his journal today and his drawing is better than anything I could ever do!!!!!
Vanna did this journal about her family and she sounded out every word....YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

NO Pics :( too busy!!!!

Today has been so busy that I didn't even have a change to pull out my camera!!!!  The first thing we did today we play in centers and learn how to share and work through our problems when we encounter them in our center!!!  Mrs. Shaide was busy hanging up our new artwork for our classroom!!!!  We love looking around and see our work!!!
Then we PLAYED OUTSIDE!!!!!  We love days when the weather is nice and we get to play outside.  We had a few sprinkles fall on us but that didn't stop us from having a good time!!!
When we came back to the classroom we had some visitors from Hall High School there to observe and play with us!  They were really nice and then even sat with us at lunch!!!!  After lunch that played with us in our center while Mrs. Strom tested us on our letters!!! 
Now we are all resting and waiting to see who the best hibernator will be!!!!!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hoot of the Week and other fun things.....

Katie is our hoot this week.  Katie is 5 years old!!!  She loves stuffed animals and loves to twirl!!  She has lots of friends and loves to talk with adults she knows in the building......she says "Hello" to everyone it is so cute!  We love having Katie in our classroom!!!!!

I saw this picture on FB of Davis' birthday party.....several of our little hoots were at the party so I had to put it on the blog....also it was Razorback themed so that was presh too!!!!

Today made a list of some Mm words!!!!!  I think for the first day they came up with some really good ones!!!!!!  

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SHHHHH......bears are hibernating!!!!

On Friday we said goodnight to our bears!!!!  The kids loved putting their bears into the bear cave!!!!!  We sang them a lullaby and rocked them to sleep!!!!  It was so cute!!!!  Here are a few pictures from the day!!!

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Awesome Animals and some Writing!

Today the people from Pinnacle came again to do a presentation on Insects!  We learned lots of new things and we even got to make an insect for us to bring back to our classroom!!!  We named our insect OZ!!!!
We have started writing in our journals everyday!!  We love writing and getting creative!!  Look how cute this journal is and she wrote and spelled everything correctly by herself!!! 
"Me and my mom" then she drew a picture to match her words!!! 

Nathan did this one he wrote his name first letter capital and the rest lower case!!  Then he sounded out the word HORSE then he drew a picture to match his words!!  He used 3 or more colors and added details!!!  WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Letter L.....

Today we practiced writing the Letter Ll on the smart board!  Everyone did a wonderful job!!!  Practicing writing and making letters is such a good skill for the kids to practice.  We have started doing Journals everyday and when they know how to make letters they get so excited!!!

Here are some of the Ll words we came up with today during circle time!!!!

Today Mrs. Shaide was feeling very pirate like!!!  She even had a peg leg.  The kids loved it!!!!
Speaking of dressing up..........
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Very Busy Tuesdayy!!!

This week our hoot is Ryan!  He is 4 years old!  He loves to sing us pretty songs and he also loves baseball!!!  From what I gathered from his pictures he has been into it for a very long time!!!!  I didn't even make a big deal that he was wearing Cardinals attire HAHA!  Ryan loves to play with his friends and is very helpful when someone is hurt.  He is one of our Character Kids for December for Compassion!!  We LOVE Ryan!!!
Today we started making a really cute craft for Penguins!!!  They are just in the beginning stages but I thought they were adorable making them so I had to post some pictures!!!!  I love their concentration!!!
Today you are getting paperwork for a very fun event that happens every year at Roberts!  It is Roberts Rendezvous!!!  This is an adults only fundraiser for Roberts.  I highly encourage you to purchase a ticket.  My husband and I will be attending your childrens artwork will be up for auction!!!  Also, I will be autioning off a very special thing for your child!  You don't want to miss this night! 
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Friday, January 18, 2013

We have a new hoot......Mariana and some other fun stuff!!!

Today we got a new Little Hoot!!!!  Her name is Mariana and she is from Mexico City, Mexico!  Her and her family just moved here and guess what?  They love Little Rock!!!  The kids were so excited today to meet her play with her!!  They all loved that she speaks Spanish and some English!!!!  She has a sister who is next door in Mrs. Hardin's Class!!!!  
Here are some pictures of her playing today on her first day of school at Roberts!!!  The girls really loved showing her around our room and how to play!!!
Yesterday we went outside and played for the first time since we have been back from break.  I had to get some cute shots of us playing in the ice that was left over from our surprise ice day!!!
Today Ava made her name out of rhythm sticks!!!!!!!

We are so glad that Fallan is back with us!!!  She has been our recovering and she had a birthday while she was out sick!!!!!  We haven't seen her since the break!!!!

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fun Day!!!!!

Today we had fun learning......Izzy loves to dress up that was yesterday but I had to throw it in there.  Gage made this awesome log cabin.  Katie was sorting animals!!!  I love how their little personalities can be seen in all of these pictures!!!

Today we learned more about animal habitats.  We even got to make to animal habitat for a beaver.  We did a great job!!!  The kids are enjoying our visits from the people at pinnacle each week!!!

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lunch Guidlines

Above is the guidelines for your child's lunchbox if they chose to bring a lunch box to school.  You were given this at the informational meeting for Pre-K and it is also in the school handbook.  We are monitored very closely and if your child's lunch doesn't meet these guidelines each day then they will receive a tray lunch.  Make sure you are looking in the correct age category. 
Thanks to everyone for picking up your children yesterday during our inclement weather day!!  I know some of you were so worried about being late and I didn't want you to worry at all.  I know first hand how terrible the traffic was!  I am just glad that everyone made it home safe and sound!!  I know this blog post isn't the most interesting, but hey sometimes you just have to be a little boring!!
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Monday, January 14, 2013

Such a busy Monday

This week our Hoot is Davis!  I sure have been missing having Hoot of the Week and so glad that it started back up this week!!!!  Davis is 4 years old and he loves to wrestle with his dad!  He also loves soccer!  He loves to go to Razorback Games as well!!!!  Isn't he such a cutie!

Today it was so cold so we played inside in the flex space!  It was so fun!
Lunch was fun too!  Isn't that a precious face!!!
Playing at centers today!!!  We love to paint and dress up!!!

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Animal Presentation!

Today we had a visit from the people at Pinnacle Mountain!  They will be coming once a week while we talk about animals!!!  Today he brought lots of different animal skins and furs and it was so neat.  The kids had so much fun asking questions and seeing the different things.  They even got to pet a real turtle!!!!  I am telling you 2013 has brought some fun adventures!!!
Tonight I will be attending the Justin Bieber concert woooohooo.  Mrs. Stacker and Miss. Edwards are going to be there as well.  I can't wait!!!!
I will not be at school tomorrow but don't worry it isn't because I will have have Bieber Fever! HA!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Getting Back in the Swing....2013

We had so much fun getting back to school today!!  Everyone had a smile and was ready to go!!!  I feel like they have grown just since the break....I some maturity, too!!!  Isn't it funny how it does that!!!  We are going to be doing so many new things during 2013

Today we got straight back into our schedule!!  They were most eager to get back to centers!!!