Monday, October 8, 2012

Hoot of the Week VANNA......Boosterthon!

This week our Hoot is Vanna!!!  I have no idea why the picture is so small :(!  Vanna is 4 years old.  She has a brother that goes to Roberts!  She loves the Atlanta Braves and she loves to swim!  Her favorite place to eat is Purple Cow.....YUMMO!!!!!
Vanna has lots of friends in our classroom and has never moved her clip to yellow!!!  GO VANNA!!!!!

Today we had our Pep Rally to Kick off Boosterthon!!!  The pledge cards are going home in the folders today so be looking!!!!!
Mrs. Shaide will be back tomorrow and I can't wait and I know the kids are excited to see her as well!  We miss her when she is gone!!!!!

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