Thursday, March 29, 2012

Guest Reader and Fruits and Veggies!

Yesterday we each got a fruit or a veggie and took turns standing up and describing our fruit or veggie!  We had some very good describing words.  This is a great activities for you to do at home also.  Have them use words to describe different things!

Today we had Ezra's Dad come and read to our class!  He read us a book about Career Day since it is right around the corner!  Then he told us about his career.  Did you know that his dad is a scientist and a teacher and a doctor all rolled into one!  How cool is that!

Last but not least I know you guys are really missing my furry little man!  Boston is loving his new haircut and is also loving the warm weather!  He is also in LOVE with TOMS shoes and has decided to eat up 2 pairs!  HAHA!

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