Friday, March 2, 2012

Another Logan Update with our cards!

Baylee and Olivia's Drawings

Jessica and Gabes Drawings

Riley and Monish's Drawings

The big mountain behind me in Baylee and Olivia's picture actually has a castle on it, the ruins of one anyway. It was built by Alexander the Great over 2500 years ago (or there abouts) for one of his daughters. Or so the story goes. I still have yet to find any corroborating evidence but that's the story. The picture of Jessica and Gabe's wonderful drawings was taken in a local village. In the background, over my left should, you can see some of the locals gathering around and talking. I had two friends pose with Riley and Monish's artwork. The guy on the left is named Paul and he is one of our medics. The guy on the right is named Mike and I'm still not too sure what he does but he is a terrific guy.

I really hope the kids like the pictures.

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