Wednesday, March 7, 2012

This and That!!!

We have been talking about the 5 senses!  Today we talked about our sense of sight and how some people in our world and so we blindfolded some children and they had to walk to their partners voice by using their sense of hearing!  It was really fun!

During centers we made differnt shapes with patterns.  This task showed if they could work together it also showed if they could solve simple math problems.

While all of that was going some of our girls got creative and made their own cat costumes.....SERIOUSLY????  How do they come up with this stuff...then even made tails and tapped them on themselves.  LOVE IT!!!  Behind the masks are Jessica, Morisyn and Chelsea!

Here was a journal for yesterday....can you guess what it says...I CAN.....
"sense of sight, queen, I love you so much"

Last but not Boston is at the groomer and sweet Olivia made this for him when he gets done.  She did the spelling all by herself. SO SWEET! 

I would say that wasn't a bad day since we covered all oft his before lunch.....WHHHHEEEEEWWWWW we are tired! 

Have a great Wednesday!

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