Monday, April 2, 2012

S if for Salad and R is for Roberts Rendezvous!

S is for Salad!  On Friday everyone brought things to put into our salad!  It was really yummy.  I was very surprised at the number of children that ate it up!

Below is a picture of Kevin and I headed to the Roberts School Fundraiser!  We had so much fun!  thanks to all the parents that were able to come and hang out!  Kevin was however a little disappointed that Lucas' Dad outbid him on a putter I think they were going at it all night HAHA!  I enjoyed seeing several of you out on the dance floor showing off your moves!  I also enjoyed the table conversations and our fun pictures that we took.  Most of all I enjoy your friendship!  I was amazed at the bids for my play date to Purple Cow......what an honor!  Our class painting was also really good! 

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