Thursday, April 19, 2012

Playing Catch Up....

Yesterday our BEARS WOKE UP!!!!  We went outside and when we came back into our classroom the bears had rolled in from their long winters nap.  They must have been hibernating a long way away becasue it took them a little while to get here after SPRING started!!!

Some of the kids made a birds nest today on the playground!  How fun is that!  They took old grass and put wood chips down inside it.  They are hoping it is still there when we go out this afternoon!

We also discovered today that Noah is really strong!  He wanted to pull Mrs. Shaide in the wagon and it did a few laps...WOW!

We had another guest reader today!  Gabe's mom and baby sister came to read a Dr. Seuss book to us!  She did a great job and the kids had a ball!

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