Thursday, September 15, 2011

YEE HAW Cowboy/Cowgirl Day!!!

Morisyn was trying out the saddle!

Cutest Cowboys and Cowgirls I ever saw!

Baylee was writing her name at the writing center!

Cowgirl Cuties!

I seriously think Noah and Jacob parked their horse's out front!

These are the blue checked cowfolks!

Howdy Partner!

We LOVE Cowboy Day!  We miss our other Cowgirl Mrs. Bounds!

Some of our cowgirls all had on the same boots SO CUTE!

We had so much fun today celebrating the Letter Cc with Cowboy Day!  We love dressing up for different letters but this one is one of my very favorites!  We had a cowboy parade this morning and all showed Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Sims out get up!  A video will be posted shortly!

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