Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hoot of the Week....Queen Chelsea

Chelsea is our Hoot of the Week!  She is 4 years old and has one older brother who also goes to school at Roberts!  Her favorite thing to do is play with toys!  She also loves to go to Chick-fil-a!  She has great taste!  She is going to be a great leader this week!

We also started our JOBS today!  Each week different students will be chosen for different JOBS!  Not everyone will have a job every week they will rotate and JOBS will only be given to those HOOTS that have had great behavior!  This is an incentive to always do the right thing!  These are the JOBS for this week:
Line Leader: Chelsea
Messenger: Bo
Door Holders: Eleanor and Chris
Water Plants: Lilly
Chairs: Aiden and Ezra
Playground Equipment: Evan

I can't right a blog without saying WOOOOOOO PIG SOOOOOOOIE!  I was so glad that we won the game!  

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