Thursday, September 8, 2011

Shake it UP, Shake it Down....Making Butter

Today we made Butter for the letter Bb!  I am so upset because I made this really cute video on the Flip Camera and then it stopped working, so needless to say I got a new Flip camera so our next event we will have some videos!  Oh well, I did manage to get a picture!

Our Butter Recipe
Get 2 mason jars and fill them about half full with heavy whipping cream
Before we screwed on the lid we dropped 1 magic bear in each jar (just for sound)
Then we start Shaking....we had a little chant that we sang as we took turns shaking!
After about 15 minutes you have butter you wash it and add salt and eat it!

We will take a poll today to see who liked it and who didn't!  I give it 2 thumbs UP!

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