Thursday, September 29, 2011

LUCAS!!!!!! Turns 5!

Yesterday Lucas turned 5!  He was so excited and was telling everyone!  How cute!  His mom came and had lunch!  Now we have three 5 year olds in our class!!!!

It's all BLACK and WHITE!!!!!

Yesterday all of Roberts wore BLACK and WHITE for Pennies for Penguins!  We are trying to get to $1000 donated and we will get to see a real live Penguin!  How neat is that!  If we raise $2500 then we get a plaque at the zoo!  That is really neat!  Check out how cool we looked yesterday!

These are all the kids that wore their black and white to school yesterday!  So much fun!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How many 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Today we did an activity where they had to represent the correct by using counting bears!  Everyone did a great job and they had fun, too!  What can be better?  I will be blogging later on today about our special birthday we are having today!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Day Just Got Even Better.......

Sometimes it just takes something like this to make a teachers day!  I had to share because I wanted to document it this is one of my little hoots from last year and it just made my day!  I hope you are having a great Tuesday!

Monday, September 26, 2011

EZRA!!! Hoot of the week!

Ezra is our Hoot this week!  He is 4 years old and has 2 sisters that go to Roberts!  Ezra loves Chick-fil-a!  He loves to play with his Spiderman toys!  Ezra has NEVER moved his light to yellow!  That is AWESOME, Ezra!  Keep up the good work!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Dd is for Donuts and Dad! Super Fun Day!

Donuts with Dad Video!

Here is the video we showed at Donuts with Dad!  We had so much fun!

Birthday Celebrations!

We had our September Birthday Celebration yesterday!  It was a lot of fun!  Today is Morisyn's Birthday and tomorrow is Chris' Birthday!  So we have some 5 year old in our midst!  

Thursday, September 22, 2011

What's in a name.......

Here is a sample of some of the name stories that I have on the wall so far!  I have several more that haven't been laminated so I will post those when they are finished!  This has been one of my favorite things I have ever done in 8 years of teaching.  Since we are talking about families I think it is awesome how so many names come from people in our families!  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Every Friday we do an math activity!  And what better way to talk about numbers and graphing than with the RAZORBACKS!  Each Friday afternoon we vote for who will win the game the following day!  So far this is how we have voted each week.....(please excuse those children who got a little confused and voted for the wrong team)  JUST KIDDING!

So far we have been right every week.  Now I know this weekend is a big game so we need to really cheer those HOGS on!  I know some of you have a divided I can't wait to see how the kids vote!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What's In a name.....

As you know we are doing a project about how we got our I had the privilege of learning how Riley Grace got her name, how Ezra Samuel got his name and how Lee Christopher got his name!  I can't wait to get them all in and hang them in the hallway so everyone can read!  

Also, our family posters are coming in!  They are so cute....I love getting to know each of your families!

Monday, September 19, 2011


Meet our Hoot of the Week: Eleanor Virginia...when we ask her her name she always tells us the full name!  I left off her last name but she tells us that part, too!  She is one of 3 children!  Her brother and sister both go to Roberts!  She loves to play with bugs, she even brought a picture with a bug on her finger!  Her favorite place to eat is CHICK-FIL-A!  Eleanor also has an Aunt that is a teacher at Roberts.....her name is Ms. Adams, she teaches 3rd grade!  We love Eleanor!

Look at what these Little Hoots whipped up today at centers.  They were very proud of their work!  Good Job Guys!

Friday, September 16, 2011

BO KNOWS!!!!! I coudln't help myself!!!!!


Today has been so much fun even if it was a little rainy.  We went outside for a little bit this morning then it started to rain so we came inside.  Today was our first day to go the LIBRARY!  We all got to check out a book that we will keep and school.  We can read our books during centers if we want to!

We will vote this afternoon for who we think we win the Razorback game....MY FAVORITE PART OF FRIDAYS!!!!!  We will also go the treasure box today!  I caught a few pics this morning and had to share!

Bo had on the GREATEST shirt today!  I wish we could all have one!

One sure way to get on this blog is to wear razorback clothes on Fridays !  We had another cheerleader today but I forgot to get her picture!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I just think this is a precious video.  Tell me that kids can't have fun and learn all at the same time!!  I hope everyone is having a YEE-HAW kind of Thursday!

YEE HAW Cowboy/Cowgirl Day!!!

Morisyn was trying out the saddle!

Cutest Cowboys and Cowgirls I ever saw!

Baylee was writing her name at the writing center!

Cowgirl Cuties!

I seriously think Noah and Jacob parked their horse's out front!

These are the blue checked cowfolks!

Howdy Partner!

We LOVE Cowboy Day!  We miss our other Cowgirl Mrs. Bounds!

Some of our cowgirls all had on the same boots SO CUTE!

We had so much fun today celebrating the Letter Cc with Cowboy Day!  We love dressing up for different letters but this one is one of my very favorites!  We had a cowboy parade this morning and all showed Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Sims out get up!  A video will be posted shortly!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Meet our newest HOOT......BAYLEE!!!!

Our Little Hoot class is now complete!  Today we welcomed a new friends into our nest!  Her name is Baylee!  She is so nice and already has had people arguing over her......we are a very welcoming class and EVERYONE wanted to play with Baylee!  I told her it was a good problem to have and that everyone would have a turn to play with sweet Baylee!  She told us today that she LOVED THIS PLACE!!!!!  That is good to hear!  I hope everyone does!  

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hoot of the Week.....Mr. Aiden

Look at this cutie!  This is Aiden he is our Hoot of the Week this wee!  He is 4 years old and loves coming to school.  He has lots of friends and loves to run and play outside!  He said that his favorite place to eat is Purple Cow!  Hey he must have good taste buds!  I love Purple Cow! 

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear...

We made the cutest bears out of rice cakes and peanut butter!  Thanks you Julie for coming to help us make our yummy treat!  Room moms are the best!!!!

Our bears watched us play outside!  They loved it!

Chelsea was our hoot and this is what being the Hoot of the week can do to your hair!  LOVE IT!

I must say we had some pretty cute cheerleaders on Friday!  GO HOGS GO!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Shake it UP, Shake it Down....Making Butter

Today we made Butter for the letter Bb!  I am so upset because I made this really cute video on the Flip Camera and then it stopped working, so needless to say I got a new Flip camera so our next event we will have some videos!  Oh well, I did manage to get a picture!

Our Butter Recipe
Get 2 mason jars and fill them about half full with heavy whipping cream
Before we screwed on the lid we dropped 1 magic bear in each jar (just for sound)
Then we start Shaking....we had a little chant that we sang as we took turns shaking!
After about 15 minutes you have butter you wash it and add salt and eat it!

We will take a poll today to see who liked it and who didn't!  I give it 2 thumbs UP!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hoot of the Week....Queen Chelsea

Chelsea is our Hoot of the Week!  She is 4 years old and has one older brother who also goes to school at Roberts!  Her favorite thing to do is play with toys!  She also loves to go to Chick-fil-a!  She has great taste!  She is going to be a great leader this week!

We also started our JOBS today!  Each week different students will be chosen for different JOBS!  Not everyone will have a job every week they will rotate and JOBS will only be given to those HOOTS that have had great behavior!  This is an incentive to always do the right thing!  These are the JOBS for this week:
Line Leader: Chelsea
Messenger: Bo
Door Holders: Eleanor and Chris
Water Plants: Lilly
Chairs: Aiden and Ezra
Playground Equipment: Evan

I can't right a blog without saying WOOOOOOO PIG SOOOOOOOIE!  I was so glad that we won the game!  

Friday, September 2, 2011

A is for ARKANSAS and that means GO HOGS!!!!

Look at how cute all our Little Hoot Arkansas Fans looked today for the the Letter A in Arkansas!  In case you didn't know I am a huge RAZORBACK FAN!  I love going to games and cheering on the Hogs!  I have been going to games with my parents for years!  I didn't go to the U of A, but in my heart there is only 1 team!  GO HOGS!  Each Friday we will vote to see who will win the Razorback game!  We will cast our vote at 2 every Friday!   

Now this is Lilly and she is a Razorback fan but she is also and Alabama today since Alabama starts with the letter Aa also we decided that it was ok if she wanted to wear this cute little number!  We know her heart is shouting WOOOOO PIG under that uniform!  HAHA!