Tuesday, October 1, 2013

L-Blends and some Style!

Lots of learning going on this morning....during word study we circled our l-blends!!!  We have learned so many words that start with an L-blend!!  Practice these at home too!!!  Oh and Esperanza was on point in these black boots today!!!  ADORBS!!!!
We are doing so good during our group time each time.  Look at Baylee using her pointer finger to follow along as others ready.  Good Strategy!!!  I love this time each day getting to work with the kids in a smaller setting on their reading.  We are going to be amazing readers!!!!
Kyle and Kaleb were busy working on a L blend graph that we did today!!!  I am not going to lie I had a hard time figuring out what some of the pictures were supposed to be!!!  Thanks to a few of my boys that helped me:)!

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