Monday, October 7, 2013

Eagle Eyes, donations, and my favorite!!!

 Your child should have brought home this little card with them on Friday!!  This is one of the reading strategies that we worked on last week!!!  Having an EAGLE EYE is really important while reading:)
 Friday during Library we learned how to look for books on the shelves by ourselves!!  We have not ever been able to do this before and we learned about marking our spots and how every book in the library has an address!!
 Aiden broke his collar bone a week or so ago and so we got some QT outside during fun Friday!!!
We have been getting donations to our ipad cover fund!!!  The kids are getting so excited!!!  We have collected enough to get 2 covers so far!!!!!

Today Kaleb's mom brought me lunch!!!  I was so beyond excited because I had forgotten my lunch today!!!!  I HEART CHICK-FIL-A!!!!

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