Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I bet many of you have thought I have lost my marbles because I haven't posted in so long....well, my Internet at school has been down and I have been acting like my arm has been cut off....how did I ever teach without such wonderful technology!!!  So this post is long overdue and I am so sorry for the delay!!

 We had lots of fun during RED RIBBON WEEK!!!  We dressed up and celebrated almost every day!!  Aren't these pics so adorbs!!!
 I want to have hair like Neil!!!  LOVE IT!!!

 I can't seem to get over some of the things that I used to do in PREK....so guess what?  I upped the level of learning and we still carved a pumpkin.....we even did some pumpkin reporting!!  The kids loved it and so many skills were covered. 
 Meet Spookly Toothly!!!  The kids voted on his name!!  I personally think it is wonderful!!!
 In Prek I always had a aide in my room to help take pictures of our activities so Aiden had to step in as our photographer....I think he did a SUPER job!!
 Today we did awesome during guided reading....I personally think it is my favorite time of the day.  I loved getting to hear the kids get excited about reading!
You can't wait in line for the computer lab without snapping a pic...it just wouldn't be right!!! 
Happy Fall Y'all!!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

No Shoes, No Problem!!

 No Shoes, No Problem!!!  Yesterday we earned 2 things for our boosterthon goal!!!  We earned no shoes in class and so we spent most of the morning in our sock feet!!!  The kids loved it as you can by the smiles!!!!!!!
 Table 1 earned 10 tally marks for excellent behavior!!!  Their prize was to eat lunch in the room!!  They loved it!!  Once a table wins we start over!!  So much fun!!!
Hard at work during math today.....we broke into teams and played the math partner game tape race!!!!

Friday, October 11, 2013

What a Week!!!

 We made our goal for the ipad covers.....it only took us 2 days!!!  I am going to have to order them online so it will be a little bit before we get them!!!  So exciting though!!!!
 These 2 kinders come and visit me often...I happen to LOVE them!!!
 On Thursday we gave each other practice spelling test one was the teacher and the other took the test and then they swapped!!!
 Audrey loves to show me her super cute clothes each day!!!  Loving this outfit!!!
 This week we have been learning about inferencing......we went on a scavenger hunt using our inferencing clues to make this cute little skeleton!!!
 We went around and took pictures of pictures to put in our camera of the R blends this week!!!  This was so much fun and the kids had a great time!!!
We are in the middle of the FLAT STANLEY project!!!  Be prepared to see some super cute pics!!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Eagle Eyes, donations, and my favorite!!!

 Your child should have brought home this little card with them on Friday!!  This is one of the reading strategies that we worked on last week!!!  Having an EAGLE EYE is really important while reading:)
 Friday during Library we learned how to look for books on the shelves by ourselves!!  We have not ever been able to do this before and we learned about marking our spots and how every book in the library has an address!!
 Aiden broke his collar bone a week or so ago and so we got some QT outside during fun Friday!!!
We have been getting donations to our ipad cover fund!!!  The kids are getting so excited!!!  We have collected enough to get 2 covers so far!!!!!

Today Kaleb's mom brought me lunch!!!  I was so beyond excited because I had forgotten my lunch today!!!!  I HEART CHICK-FIL-A!!!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Name Frames, Points, and a Suprise!!!

 Today we started a new table incentive!!  If a table is being staying on task and working together quietly and is neat and tidy then their table can receive points throughout the day!!  On the flip side points can be taken away as well!!  The first table to make it to 10 will get to have lunch with me one day!!  We will have a different incentive each time!!  Once a group makes it to 10 then we all start over!!!  This is going to be so much fun!!! 
 In Math today we made number frames from 10 frames!!!  How cute are these!!  The kids did so good figuring out this little Math problem.  Number Sense to 10 is a huge foundation to their learning!!  We need to get this skill mastered so that we can excel in our Math endeavors this year!!!
 Every Thursday we play some kind of game with our spelling words!!  Today they wanted to play hang man!!!  They love being in charge of the smart board!!!
 We had a very special treat today!!!  My husband aka Mr. Kevin came for a surprise visit!!!  They were beyond thrilled and I am surprised he made it through hahaha they wanted to be all over him and each one wanted to tell him a story.....I get this all the time but if you aren't used to it so shocking haha!!
Several of you have been asking about where we are in our adoption process!!!!  This is where we are right now!!!  Home Study should be soon and then we will just be waiting!!!! 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

L-Blends and some Style!

Lots of learning going on this morning....during word study we circled our l-blends!!!  We have learned so many words that start with an L-blend!!  Practice these at home too!!!  Oh and Esperanza was on point in these black boots today!!!  ADORBS!!!!
We are doing so good during our group time each time.  Look at Baylee using her pointer finger to follow along as others ready.  Good Strategy!!!  I love this time each day getting to work with the kids in a smaller setting on their reading.  We are going to be amazing readers!!!!
Kyle and Kaleb were busy working on a L blend graph that we did today!!!  I am not going to lie I had a hard time figuring out what some of the pictures were supposed to be!!!  Thanks to a few of my boys that helped me:)!

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Some Stiches and Freedom Week!!!!

Ezra had to get stitches last Thursday from a small mishap at his house....he showed us his bear that also go stitches!!!  
This friends did their best to cheer on the hogs to a victory however it didn't quite work out this time....didn't they play a great game though?!?!
On Friday we made these cute torn paper flags for freedom week!!!  I loved seeing their creativity on the flags!!!  Good Job!!!

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