Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Terrific Tuesday!

Today was a TERRIFIC TUESDAY!!!  We did lots of fun things.  We started out our day by using our agenda books to write down our homework for the day!!  Then we had our first Fire Drill!!  The kids did a great job....however they didn't like how loud the bell was...it is right by our classroom and they all plugged their ears and darted outside.
We sorted our spelling words by rhyming words and wrote them in our Word Study Journal.  This is still a work in progress and we had a few glitches but hey we can only go up from here right? haha!!
Then we got a fun surprise our counselor Mrs. Weatter came and did a mini lesson on what her job is in our school and the kids took a little survey!!!  Here we are listening quietly!
 After lunch we got to go back to the computer lab which is always fun.  This time the kids got to choose what educational site they wanted to work from.  We are still warming up to the computers and I am looking forward to some projects we will be doing soon.   Had to get a pic of Jessica hard and work.....I love that toothless smile.

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