Friday, August 30, 2013

Fab Friday!!!! Happy Birthday, ALLY!!!

 I told the kids that I loved the Razorbacks and since they would be playing their first game tomorrow I said they could wear Razorback clothes tomorrow if they wanted!!!!  These little cuties did just that!!!!
 I also told them that if they had other team that they liked to cheer for then they could support that team as well......I think this picture is the cutest they did this all on their own!!!  FAB!!!!
 Each week on Fridays that are followed by a Razorback game day we will do a mini math lesson!!!  We vote for who will win the game!!!  We will also be learning the states that go with the teams so today we learned where Arkansas and Louisiana are on the US map!!!  I have never in the history of teaching had so many kids vote against the HOGS, however I am cool and I know we all have our own opinions hahahahahahaha!!!  So GO HOGS GO!!!!
 Yesterday we practiced our Spelling words on white boards and practiced with our tables. We also played the game of Cherry Pie with the words it was super fun!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET ALLY!!!!!!!!  She will be turning 7 on the 1st!!!!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Picking Books and Main Idea

 Last week we learned 3 ways to read a book!!  I wanted to show you a picture of our anchor chart that we have been using so that you could use this at home!!! 
 We also have been talking about how we can pick the right book to read.  This little anchor helps us remember to to PICK!!!!
This week we have been learning about Main Idea!! 

 Yesterday we "unpacked" the main idea out of this little bag.  Some firsties came and grabbed some things out of the bag then we got EEKK ( elbow, elbow, knee to knee to discuss what we thought the main idea of this bag might be......we had several good ideas, but most of the kids thought that the main idea of this bag was "keeping our teeth clean"!!!  When you are reading with your children see if they can tell you the main idea of the book they are reading!!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Terrific Tuesday!

Today was a TERRIFIC TUESDAY!!!  We did lots of fun things.  We started out our day by using our agenda books to write down our homework for the day!!  Then we had our first Fire Drill!!  The kids did a great job....however they didn't like how loud the bell is right by our classroom and they all plugged their ears and darted outside.
We sorted our spelling words by rhyming words and wrote them in our Word Study Journal.  This is still a work in progress and we had a few glitches but hey we can only go up from here right? haha!!
Then we got a fun surprise our counselor Mrs. Weatter came and did a mini lesson on what her job is in our school and the kids took a little survey!!!  Here we are listening quietly!
 After lunch we got to go back to the computer lab which is always fun.  This time the kids got to choose what educational site they wanted to work from.  We are still warming up to the computers and I am looking forward to some projects we will be doing soon.   Had to get a pic of Jessica hard and work.....I love that toothless smile.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Fun with Words

Today we got our first set of Spelling Words!!  Can you tell by the look on this sweet face that they were excited.  We did this fun activity and we cut them up and put them in baggies so we could practice on our own, too!!!
We also learned a new song about "short a" We had fun looking for short a's in the song!!  Can you believe that some people think that learning isn't fun?!?!?!?!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Our Friday in Pictures!!!

 My day started out with Fabulous Friday Happiness!  Olivia Bean brought in this fun stuff for me!!  LOVE IT!!!

 Taylor got me this sweet happy on the First Day of school, but just getting around to posting....i love black and white polka!!!

 Matthew's Mimi gave me this sweet happy I have already put it to use!!!  I love everything Aztec print....Thanks sweet Mimi!!!!

 Look at these sweet note I got from Audrey first thing today!!!  Love those peace signs!!

 Jahanavi was hard at work on her August Morning poem....we highlighted the rhyming words and illustrated each line of the poem!!!
 Neil had some major concentration with his tongue out and a hard worker!!!
 Miss Amy helped us get our Crankies out so that we were cranky free for the weekend.  She gave all the hoots a little dab of cranky cream and we did a little cheer.  I think we got them all out and are ready for a great weekend!!

Today each child brought in an a bag with one item in it that described themselves.  I enjoyed all of their presentation.  I love how no one was shy!!!  WOOOOHOOOO!!!!

 Ezra lead our class today in our ABC chart!!  We were doing a little review of letters and sounds!!!

 This afternoon we worked with our math partners on our counting collections.  These 2 counted blue diamonds!!!

Lastly, it was time for FUN FRIDAY!!  All of the hoots stayed on GREEN this week so we all got to take part in a fun few minutes outside!!!  It was hot but we had a ball!!!  I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Making Friends and All About Me

 Today we started sharing out All about Me projects!!!  The kids so far have done a great job presenting to the class!!!   I love hearing about their favorite things!!
 Audrey was writing her journal page about "I like to....."

Everyday I have been getting the kids to make new friends when they can!!!  I can tell by these pictures that they are doing a good job!!!  I think it is so important to make friends in your learning environment!!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First and Second Day Fun

 We read the book First Day Jitters and did a sheet about what kind of Jitters we had on the first day!!!  Lucky for me most of them didn't have any jitters!!!!
 Ready to work!!!!
Today was a first time in the computer lab!!  This kids learn the computer lab rules and we practiced going to STARFALL!!!  They really enjoyed browing the computer for new and fun things to learn!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

New Year, New Grade, New Class

Tonight was such a fun night!!  I got to meet the new Hoot class!  Don't these look like some fab firsties?!?!?  I was so excited to meet them.  I got to meet their parents, and even some grandparents!!  I can't wait to spend each and every day with these little learners.  We are going to have an amazing year this year!!!!!!
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