Monday, April 8, 2013

Measurment Monday!!!

 Friday we made a graph of who liked the salad and who did not!!!  I think for the most part we all enjoyed it!!! 
 Today we started our new theme off with a bang.....we are learning about how things grow!!  We learned that we can grow and so we measured to see how tall we were and put it on the growing tree outside of our classroom!!! 
 Mrs. Shaide was doing some spring cleaning the other day and found some shaving cream....what do you do with 3 cans of shaving cream?  Make names and letters of course, all while cleaning the tables!!!
It is testing week for the older kids and since they are testing all over the building we are somewhat confined to our rooms for certain periods of the we took the chance to go outside early this morning and do some sidewalk chalk to get our energy out!!!!

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