Thursday, April 18, 2013

Funnies and Weather!!!

 Love the focus that Mariana has while painting pictures...this was during center time this morning!!! 
 Yesterday Conner and Bryson stuck the story telling pieces to Bryson's hair....I LOVE IT!!!  So cute and creative!  I love how their little imaginations work!!!
This week we have been talking about different types of weather so yesterday with a little water, shaving cream and food coloring we made it rain.  We talked about how clouds get so heavy and full of water that's when the rain come down....just like in this experiment!!  To say they loved it was an understatement!!! 
Also, we have had so many funny moments this week.....I can't share them all cause some have to do with Mother's Day, but I just wanted to say that I love teaching and it is so rewarding and FUNNY!!!!!!

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