Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lack of Blogging and some fun!!!

I wanted to let you know that the reason for the lack of blogging is due to the fact that we have already started doing some Mother's Day things for our Tea and I can't spoil any surprises!!!  I will still try to blog everyday, but the pics may not be as detailed!!!  Just wanted to let you in on that little tid bit!!
Today was a special lunch for Vanna and Ava for making it to 18 blues awhile back!!!  I still have 3 more to catch up on and I will get to those ASAP!!!  Today the girls wanted to have lunch with me and do nails...however they wanted to know if they could sit by themselves and talk instead of with me.....HAHAHAHAHA!!!!  Today is also Vanna's Birthday and tomorrow is Gage's!!!!

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