Tuesday, April 30, 2013

PTA Parent Give Back Night!!!

 Last night I during the Parents give back night, I got to keep these 2 hoots for the first shift!!  They had dinner and thought it was super fun...I did, too!!!
I also got to have dinner with these former little hoots!!  Eleanor and Olivia aka Bean!  I loved having them back with me!!!!
I would post on what we did today, but I can't due to surprise factor!!!!!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Watchdog Dads and a Special Announcement

 We have had several watchdogs over the last few days!!!  The kids have really enjoyed playing BINGO and running around on the playground...I think they have worn them out!!!! 
Mrs. Strom and Mr. Kevin made a really big announcement this weekend!!!!!  We are over the moon excited!!!!  Thanks for all your sweet comments this morning!!!

Book Character Day!!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Career Day!!!

 Today we had career day and it was fun....our first stop was to see 2 Men and a truck!  They are professional movers and they let us walk inside their truck!!!!

 We had another special treat!  Mally Hardin-Brooks from KARK (she is Mrs. Hardin's sister-in-law) came to talk to us about being a news anchor!!  She took a picture of us and we took a picture with her!!!  She is super fab and we loved it!!!!!
Mariana was majorly impressed with the KARK tattoos!!!  She was showing it off to everyone!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Vv is for Victory!!!!

 Look at all these words that your kids came up with that start with the letter Vv!!!  I mean this is amazing....great jo hoots!!!!
 We have been tracking the weather each day on our Weather Graph and they get to draw the pictures in....they love it!!!!!

These 2 girls were working really hard on one of our Mother's Day projects!!!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Earth Day 2013

 Yesterday we celebrated Earth Day!!!  We made these super cute Earths out of coffee filters!!!  The kids loved dipping it in the water and seeing how it bled!!!
 We read this really cute book that Ms. Hardin let us borrow!!  It gave us tips on how to help save our Earth!!!!!
Mrs. Carlisle, our counselor, came and did a lesson on what we do if we are having a bad day  and who we can talk to!!  They are doing drawing about a bad day they have had!!  They loved drawing!!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013

U is for Uniform!!

Today we dressed up for U is for uniforms!!!  We had baseball, basketball, football, soccer, tennis, dancing, and karate all represented!!! 
I teaching letter with dress up days....it is so much more meaningful and they remember!!!
Today we also had an author visit and he told us stories from books he had written!  We went to PE today, too which is always so much fun!!! 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Funnies and Weather!!!

 Love the focus that Mariana has while painting pictures...this was during center time this morning!!! 
 Yesterday Conner and Bryson stuck the story telling pieces to Bryson's hair....I LOVE IT!!!  So cute and creative!  I love how their little imaginations work!!!
This week we have been talking about different types of weather so yesterday with a little water, shaving cream and food coloring we made it rain.  We talked about how clouds get so heavy and full of water that's when the rain come down....just like in this experiment!!  To say they loved it was an understatement!!! 
Also, we have had so many funny moments this week.....I can't share them all cause some have to do with Mother's Day, but I just wanted to say that I love teaching and it is so rewarding and FUNNY!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lack of Blogging and some fun!!!

I wanted to let you know that the reason for the lack of blogging is due to the fact that we have already started doing some Mother's Day things for our Tea and I can't spoil any surprises!!!  I will still try to blog everyday, but the pics may not be as detailed!!!  Just wanted to let you in on that little tid bit!!
Today was a special lunch for Vanna and Ava for making it to 18 blues awhile back!!!  I still have 3 more to catch up on and I will get to those ASAP!!!  Today the girls wanted to have lunch with me and do nails...however they wanted to know if they could sit by themselves and talk instead of with me.....HAHAHAHAHA!!!!  Today is also Vanna's Birthday and tomorrow is Gage's!!!!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Flower Friday!!!

Today we drew pictures of flowers with all of their parts!!!  This is Fallan's she did a great job and she even wrote the words....she used my chart for example she knows were to find words when she needs them...this is a great skill to learn!!! 
We also wrapped up learning about the Letter Tt.  Make sure you child can recognize that letter over the weekend.  See if they can tell you so words that start with the letter Tt.  They all had great examples today in class!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Fun Field Trip!!!!!

Today we concluded our Getting Healthy unit by doing some gross motor at Jump Zone!!!!! The kids had a ball and so did the teachers!!!! They are all pooped!!!!
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