Tuesday, November 6, 2012

WE VOTED!!!!!!!!!!!! ELECTION DAY 2012

Today Pre-K had a mini mock ELECTION it was so much fun!!!!  The first thing we did was signed in the voting station....we all had to find our name and then we had to write our name beside our voter name!!!!  Next we went over to the voting booth and circled who we wanted to be the President!!!!  We did this so no one could see our vote!!! Next we folded our vote and placed it in the  ballot box!!!!  The kids had so much fun and even though they are young and couldn't care less who wins president it is still fun watching them get excited and knowing that they have a voice!!!!! 
Next we took all the votes out and counted them.....we had 19 votes 1 person was absent this morning!!
Then we counted all the votes for OBAMA he had 7 votes!
Then we counted all the votes for ROMNEY he had 12 votes!
We learned that 12 is more than 7!!!!  I guess we will see if we were right in the days to come!
I hope everyone is going to the polls today to place their votes!!!!!

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