Thursday, November 29, 2012

Length Trees and REINDEER CAM!!!

 Today we made length trees.  They had to put the pieces in order for longest to shortest!  I think they did a great job.  I loved how some people were very precise at how they put their trees together and some had a spunkier look to them.....different strokes for different folks huh?!?!?!

 Here are a few action shots from the activity!!!!! 
Then the greatest thing of all times happened.....We watched Santa feed his reindeer on the reindeer live cam!  Oh my word were they can see in the picture the scrolling names that are on the nice list (you can enter your child's name to scroll) there were some names scrolling that matched our names and some names were not.  I told them just because they didn't see their name didn't mean it wasn't on there!  We don't want to loose any sleep over this haha!!!!  You can go to and you can view Santa feeding them 3 times a day!!!!!

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