Friday, November 30, 2012

Fun Friday!!!!

 We got the trees hung in the window!!!  I love seeing them!!!!!
 Katie was working hard at the art center and she even placed her pencil behind her ear!  LOVE IT!!!
Vanna was singing songs out of the the songbook at the music center!!!  She has a great voice!!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Length Trees and REINDEER CAM!!!

 Today we made length trees.  They had to put the pieces in order for longest to shortest!  I think they did a great job.  I loved how some people were very precise at how they put their trees together and some had a spunkier look to them.....different strokes for different folks huh?!?!?!

 Here are a few action shots from the activity!!!!! 
Then the greatest thing of all times happened.....We watched Santa feed his reindeer on the reindeer live cam!  Oh my word were they can see in the picture the scrolling names that are on the nice list (you can enter your child's name to scroll) there were some names scrolling that matched our names and some names were not.  I told them just because they didn't see their name didn't mean it wasn't on there!  We don't want to loose any sleep over this haha!!!!  You can go to and you can view Santa feeding them 3 times a day!!!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hoot of the Week.....AVA!!!

This week our hoot is Ava!!!  She is 5 years old!  She as a sister and a brother here at Roberts.  Her brother was in my class 2 years ago!!!  She loves to play with her Barbie and she also loves to sing and dance!  She is such a helper in our classroom!  She also knows how to cool is that????  We love having Ava in our classroom!!!!!
I know I didn't post yesterday, but we have been super busy doing things for the Holidays....I can't post a lot of it because some will be gifts for you!!!!!  ;)
If your kids come home telling you we are going to watch Santa feed the reindeer then they are correct.  We missed it the past 2 days but everyday at 10am there is a website call and you can watch it!!!  SUPER cool they do it in the evenings as well so you might want to tune in!!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.....

 Today we started some decorating in room 104!!!  We still have more decorating to do!!!  I will post more pics as the decorations arrive!!!
Today we changed our grocery store center to the Little Hoot Family Clinic!!!  If you have an medical emergencies just give us a call at  1-800-LIL-HOOT

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

We are Thankful!!!!

Today we went around the room and said what we were thankful for.  It was so precious I love their innocence and honesty.  Enjoy and I hope you have a very blessed Thanksgiving!!
Brandon is thankful for school!
Adrian is thankful for God!
Ava is thankful for hugs!
Conner is thankful for Jesus!
Gage is thankful for his mom, dad, and house!
Ella Grace is thankful for her mom, brothers, and puppy!
Garret is thankful for Reese's Cups, Kit Kats and dogs!
Davis is thankful for God!
Carly is thankful for her friends and family!
Ryan is thankful for his mommy, daddy, and brother!
Emily is thankful for her grandma!
Bryson is thankful for his friends and family!
Vanna is thankful for her grandmas and her house!
Major is thankful for his dog, sisters, mom and dad!
Fallan is thankful for her mommy!
Peyton is thankful for his mom and dad!
Izzy is thankful for her animals and her parents!
Arlo is thankful for his sisters, dad and mom!
Nathan is thankful for horses, doggies, and family!
Katis is thankful for her grandma Precious!
Mrs. Shaide is thankful for time with her family!
Mrs. Strom is thankful for her family!!!

Ava and Carly sing the school song!!!!


YouTube Video

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Letter Sounds Song

YouTube Video

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Feast was a HIT!!!



As you can see from these precious pictures we had so much fun at our Thanksgiving Feast!!!  I am so thankful for each and everyone of these precious kids!!!  They make my days so bright!!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!!!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Fun Friday!!!

 Today during centers I found these kids cackling at the pictures of themselves on my screen saver.  They thought it was the greatest thing ever. :) 
Look at all these kids having so much during center time today!!!!!  I think we are all prepared for our feast on Monday!!!!!!

Just lots of Random!

 How cute are these......we have been busy making some really cute Thanksgiving things....this might just be my fav!!!
 Ryan brought me this happy yesterday....of course I am going to have to share with the kids!!!
Izzy was having some hair electricity yesterday!!!!!  LOVE!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My "Happy"

I got this fabulous "happy" from Fallan and her mom today!!!  It's an owl ornament for my Chirstmas tree!!!  Can't wait to use it!



TURKEYS EVERYWHERE!!!!  I still have 1 more set of 4 to put up but I haven't gotten those pictures made just yet.  I will attach them to the blog later this afternoon!!!!
How cute are these little Turkeys.....who said Hoots couldn't make cute Turkeys!!!!
We are having so much fun we wore our turkey hats to lunch today since they were serving turkey and dressing!!!!
Arlo wore this adorable hat to school today so of course I had to snap a pic!!!!  Too Cute!!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Native American Symbols!!!!

Today we talked about Native Americans.  We discussed how they used to write on leather and they used symbols instead of words...they kids couldn't believe it!!  We talked about different symbols and we did our our native American writings!!!  They kids had a blast!!!! 
We have so many fun things that we are learning as we get ready for Thanksgiving!!!!
Also, don't forget tonight is CHICK-FIL-A night at the CFA on Cantrell!!!!!  You know I will be stopping by since that is my favorite place EVER!!!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Jersey Day and the "MAYFLOMER"

 Sorry I am just now posting from last week!!!!!  Here is a craft we made last week isn't it adorable?!?!?  I put up the words for them to copy....I love how this one says Mayflomer!!!!!
 Davis and Mrs. Anderson had on the same Jersey for Jersey Day!!!!  Had to get a picture of that!!!
 Some of the jerseys!!!!!!!
Another group of jerseys!!!!!!  

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

WE VOTED!!!!!!!!!!!! ELECTION DAY 2012

Today Pre-K had a mini mock ELECTION it was so much fun!!!!  The first thing we did was signed in the voting station....we all had to find our name and then we had to write our name beside our voter name!!!!  Next we went over to the voting booth and circled who we wanted to be the President!!!!  We did this so no one could see our vote!!! Next we folded our vote and placed it in the  ballot box!!!!  The kids had so much fun and even though they are young and couldn't care less who wins president it is still fun watching them get excited and knowing that they have a voice!!!!! 
Next we took all the votes out and counted them.....we had 19 votes 1 person was absent this morning!!
Then we counted all the votes for OBAMA he had 7 votes!
Then we counted all the votes for ROMNEY he had 12 votes!
We learned that 12 is more than 7!!!!  I guess we will see if we were right in the days to come!
I hope everyone is going to the polls today to place their votes!!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Remind 101 and Cute Pic

I got this info off of Mrs. Hardin's blog next door and it sounds like such a great tool!!!!!
Make sure you sign up!!!
 Remind 101 is a FREE fantastic communication tool for parents and teachers!
It utilizes technology to inform parents at the same time. I'm not always at my desk, so this is a great way for me to send reminders from my phone or iPad.
This works great for the night before picture day, field trips, curriculum nights, open house, seasonal plays, etc. Who doesn’t need a reminder? I will still use email and blog. This is just another resource. :)
I love this pic of he was playing in the Science center and he came up and wanted to look!!!!  HOW STINKIN CUTE IS THAT!!!?!?!?!?!?
He then wanted to see my eyes, nose, pores haha!!!!
Today we also started making a really cute craft for our Thanksgiving unit!!!!