Monday, September 24, 2012

Hoot of the Week....and a project!

Fallan is this weeks Hoot of the Week!!  She is 4 years old!  She has 1 brother that goes to Roberts!  She loves to swim she is on a swim team and won a ribbon in the breast stroke!  How neat is that?  She also loves to go to Purple Cow and have mac and cheese!  We love having Fallan in our classroom.  She is a very good helper and also helps me do things in our classroom!  We love her!!!!

Ryan is working on a project that we are doing for Donuts with Dad!  I love his concentration in this picture!!!

Do you like the new background on the blog?  I am obsessed with FALL and I am loving this fall weather!!!!  PS. JKL if you are reading this blog....thanks for the DONUTS this morning they were wonderful!!!!

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