Thursday, September 13, 2012

B is for Butter

Today we made butter!!!  I have the cutest video ever of us making our butter and my computer isn't allowing me to post it....I am going to keep trying!  As we shook our butter we sang the KC and the Sunshine band song....SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE...SHAKE YOUR BUTTER!!!!!!

It was so much fun.  I love doing fun things that can help children make memories!!!

Gage was showing off his Razorback Napkin we used while we tasted the butter!!!!!

Today was also fun because our Counselor Ms. Signaigo came to our classroom!  She did a fabulous lesson on RESPECT!!!!  Her friend the EAGLE watched us to see if we were making good choices!!! 

Look at those friends sitting CRISS CROSS APPLESAUCE.....LOVE IT!!!!!

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