Friday, September 28, 2012

Granny Smith and more Donuts!!!!

Fallan's dad wasn't able to make it to Donuts with Dad so this morning he brought donuts for us to eat during snack!!!!  She was so excited!!!! 

 Conner's Granny Smith came to be our guest reader today!!!  She read us two really fun books!  We loved having her in our classroom!  If you would like to be a guest read just let me know and I will get you signed up!!
Do you know your letter sounds.....this is a song that we sing everyday that has the interactive pictures to go with it....have the kids sing you this song.  It is so fun seeing them learn their letter sounds!!!! 
Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!!!!!!


Thursday, September 27, 2012


Today we had fun learning and playing with our friends!!!! Sorry I was busy and didn't get to update while I was at school!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Donuts with Dad for the Letter Dd!!!!!

Today was a blast!  I loved seeing all the dads there loving on their babies!!!  Having dads involved in the school is major!!!!  What a blessing these dads are to ROBERTS!!!!!

Don't forget that tomorrow night is the Watchdog Dads Event!!!  Make sure you sign up to be a WDD!!!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

We are Friends!!!!

Conner and Fallan are big buddies and usually are playing together on the playground!!!

Aren't these some cute girls.....we have friends in other classes too!!!!

Handsome Hoots!!!!

He begged me to pose again!!!  I can't resist that smile!!!!

Another one wanted his action shot!  Can't say no to this sweet face!!!

We are talking about friends and family and being nice and kind to our friends at school!  I love seeing these kids getting along and using kind words!!!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Hoot of the Week....and a project!

Fallan is this weeks Hoot of the Week!!  She is 4 years old!  She has 1 brother that goes to Roberts!  She loves to swim she is on a swim team and won a ribbon in the breast stroke!  How neat is that?  She also loves to go to Purple Cow and have mac and cheese!  We love having Fallan in our classroom.  She is a very good helper and also helps me do things in our classroom!  We love her!!!!

Ryan is working on a project that we are doing for Donuts with Dad!  I love his concentration in this picture!!!

Do you like the new background on the blog?  I am obsessed with FALL and I am loving this fall weather!!!!  PS. JKL if you are reading this blog....thanks for the DONUTS this morning they were wonderful!!!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Yee Haw COWBOY DAY!!!!

How cute are all of these Cowboys and Cowgirls!  We loved learning about the Letter Cc!!!  These were pictures we took out by the cottage on a real saddle!

I would say these little hoots make some GOOD OLE COWBOYS!!!!!