Thursday, March 29, 2012

Guest Reader and Fruits and Veggies!

Yesterday we each got a fruit or a veggie and took turns standing up and describing our fruit or veggie!  We had some very good describing words.  This is a great activities for you to do at home also.  Have them use words to describe different things!

Today we had Ezra's Dad come and read to our class!  He read us a book about Career Day since it is right around the corner!  Then he told us about his career.  Did you know that his dad is a scientist and a teacher and a doctor all rolled into one!  How cool is that!

Last but not least I know you guys are really missing my furry little man!  Boston is loving his new haircut and is also loving the warm weather!  He is also in LOVE with TOMS shoes and has decided to eat up 2 pairs!  HAHA!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Busy Busy BUSY!

Yesterday we graphed our favorite fruit!  This is bar graph and we have never done this kind of graph before.  It was lots of fun and the kids did a great job.  Cherries were the class fav!

Riley found a snail on the playground!  The kids were super excited!  We love finding little bugs outside!  I believe some even made a butterfly house.  

Monday, March 26, 2012

Did you miss us!! Happy Monday!

Today Jessica made a crown and some earrings while playing at the art center.  I hope you can see the earrings she glued them to her ears.  This was so cute I had to post!

Below are some pictures of the kids today!  We are so glad to be back from Spring Break.  We loved seeing our friends!  I believe a few even had some play dates while we were on break!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Partly like a ROCK STAR!








Me with the BIRTHDAY BOY!!!!

Today we had the greatest time!  I LOVE ROCK STAR DAY!  They kids rocked out all day long!  Today is also Bo's 5th Birthday!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY BO!  You are such a ROCK STAR!  Thanks for allowing your kids to dress up for today!  EVERYONE participated and I LOVED it!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Someone is missing a tooth?!?!

Morisyn lost her first tooth today right before school was over.  Mrs. Shaide and her worked on it and worked on it and finally when we were walking out Morisyn just pulled it out!  Everyone was so excited!  Tooth Fairy is coming tonight!!!!!

Enjoying the Wonderful Weather

Today we took Spring pictures and all of these girls had on mary jane style shoes with bows!  They were so excited they figured it out not me and wanted a picture!  LOVE!

Just Chillin'

Girls being Girls!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Very Busy Monday!

This week we are talking about taking care of our bodies.  We made a list of things that we should do to take care of our bodies....I thought the kids did a great job with coming up with these things!

We played a game where we passed the apple around and whoever had the apple had to tell us this sentence, "I am healthy because_____________________" 

This morning we went to see a play that the 5th graders put on it was Aladdin!  Can we say impressive.  They did better than BROADWAY the kids loved it!  Makes me so glad to work at a place that offers so much for the kids.  I look forward  to these kids being in the play one day!

Also, today we had a group of 5th graders come and do a "READERS THEATER" for the entire Pre-K.  Lucas' sister is the one in blue with glasses.  She was the one that set this up and they kids enjoyed it so much! 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

This and That!!!

We have been talking about the 5 senses!  Today we talked about our sense of sight and how some people in our world and so we blindfolded some children and they had to walk to their partners voice by using their sense of hearing!  It was really fun!

During centers we made differnt shapes with patterns.  This task showed if they could work together it also showed if they could solve simple math problems.

While all of that was going some of our girls got creative and made their own cat costumes.....SERIOUSLY????  How do they come up with this stuff...then even made tails and tapped them on themselves.  LOVE IT!!!  Behind the masks are Jessica, Morisyn and Chelsea!

Here was a journal for yesterday....can you guess what it says...I CAN.....
"sense of sight, queen, I love you so much"

Last but not Boston is at the groomer and sweet Olivia made this for him when he gets done.  She did the spelling all by herself. SO SWEET! 

I would say that wasn't a bad day since we covered all oft his before lunch.....WHHHHEEEEEWWWWW we are tired! 

Have a great Wednesday!