Friday, February 17, 2012

Playing Catch UP.....

Yesterday during journals Aiden drew Justin Bieber!  I personally love JB and I love that Aiden sounded out all that by himself! 

Since we have been talking about using our IMAGINATION we read the book Harold and the Purple Crayon!  The kids got to use their imagination and come up with drawing with a purple crayon!  Isn't my job the best...I know your jealous!

Each Thursday we have a guest reader!  This week readers was Lilly's dad!  He read us the great story of  the 3 Little Pigs! 

Last weeks reader was Baylee's dad!  He read us a Dr. Seuss book!  Did you know Dr. Seuss' birthday is coming up! 

Last Friday we had BLUE ICE again!  I thought these were some pretty cute pics from that day!  We are almost all caught up........we have been very busy hoots!

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