Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham.....and a little TEBOWING!

How cute are we in our THING 1 and THING 2 Hair??

Ms. Jefferson's Class had Cat in the Hat hats so we got a picture with them!!!  We were all so to cute for words!

We ate GREEN EGGS and HAM today......what fun that was!  I was very impressed that most everyone tried it!

We also got to hear TIM TEBOW read us the story of GREEN EGGS AND HAM!  I am pretty obsessed with MR. TEBOW so this was a real treat!  And you can't have TEBOW unless you have TEBOWING!!!!!  He are a few of the little hoots TEBOWING! HAHA!

Lastly we did a graph to see how we liked Green Eggs and Ham!  This is a pictograph this is a graph that you use pictures to show a vote....we chose eggs for yes and ham chunks for no!  I promise you can make a lesson out of anyting it's so fun!

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