Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Foot Fashion Show 2012

Today was so much fun!  Our FOOT FASHION SHOW was a scream!  The kids strutted their stuff down that runway like it was a piece of cake!  We did a pose at the end of the runway!  Here is us striking our pose....I had several that were "tebowing" oh my!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham.....and a little TEBOWING!

How cute are we in our THING 1 and THING 2 Hair??

Ms. Jefferson's Class had Cat in the Hat hats so we got a picture with them!!!  We were all so to cute for words!

We ate GREEN EGGS and HAM today......what fun that was!  I was very impressed that most everyone tried it!

We also got to hear TIM TEBOW read us the story of GREEN EGGS AND HAM!  I am pretty obsessed with MR. TEBOW so this was a real treat!  And you can't have TEBOW unless you have TEBOWING!!!!!  He are a few of the little hoots TEBOWING! HAHA!

Lastly we did a graph to see how we liked Green Eggs and Ham!  This is a pictograph this is a graph that you use pictures to show a vote....we chose eggs for yes and ham chunks for no!  I promise you can make a lesson out of anyting it's so fun!

Monday, February 27, 2012

P is for Patterns!

Today we made patterns for Pp!  This is a skill that we have been working on all year and now they are starting to make patterns that have 3 colors and some have 4!  We are just so advanced!  HA!

This is Dr. Seuss week so we are doing lots of special and fun things to Celebrate.  Tomorrow we will eat GREEN EGGS AND HAM!  

Friday, February 24, 2012

O is for Octopus Stew!!

Today we made Octopus Stew for the Letter Oo!  The kids were convinced that they were eating REAL octopus!  I had to let them on the secret after we were finished and they couldn't believe that I had tricked them.....Enjoy the pictures!

We voted to see who like the Octopus Stew!  They got to did their octopus into ketchup or mustard!

Today I was wearing my TOMS and some of the girls were too so of course we had to capture the moment!

Chelsea just looked so cute today so I had to take a picture...she got her shoes from her grandmother in China so they traveled a long way to get to Roberts HA!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Today we played out side in some big boxes that were donated to the Pre-K.  We read a book about how a box can be turned into anything you want it to be if you use your imagination.  Below are some pictures of the kids playing in their NOT a box.

We have also been reading a book called White Rabbit's Color Book and Mouse Paint!  In the book it talks about mixing colors!  We learned that with PRIMARY COLORS you can make other colors.  The kids had so much fun mixing their colors that they selected!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

We 3 Hoots.....playing catch up on hoot of the week!

I am so sorry that I got behind on Hoot of the week so I thought I would play catch up today....

HOOT of the WEEK....NOAH
Noah is 4 years old.  He has a twin brother in our class!  He loves to play outside and explore.  He loves the block center and the art center!  We love having Noah in our you know sometimes he gets called Jacob, but I promise I can't help it...I can't for the life of me figure out which is which ha!

HOOT of the WEEK....JACOB!
Jacob was our hoot of the week week before last!  He is 4 years old!  He is my little collector.  He loves to find things on the playground!  He is super fun and loves to play with his friends.  He loves to play in housekeeping and blocks!  I hope this is actually his picture and not Noah's, but I think I got it right!  We love Jacob!

HOOT of the WEEK.....EVAN!
Evan is our Hoot of the Week this week!  This is our very last HOOT!  I would have chosen the picture with the crown but this one is just so cute I couldn't help myself!  Evan is 4 years old.  He is our class teddy bear...he loves his friends and loves playing with them.  He is very funny also!  He loves to eat at McDonald's!  We love having Evan in our classroom!

Starting next week since everyone has had a turn each day we will draw a name at random out of a jar to see who the Hoot of the Day will be!  This will be something that we will look forward to on a daily basis!  I might get confused and forgot since it will be by the day but we will see how it goes.  I hope everyone has a WHIMSICAL WEDNESDAY!  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


We made some really fabulous masks for our Mardi Gras Parade!!!

We had Mardi Gras music playing down the hallway and some moms were upstairs tossing beads and coins for the kids to pick up!  It was the cutest thing!  The kids had a blast!

Look who found the BABIES in our KING CAKE!  Mrs. Shaide and I coudlnt' wait to see who had the baby in their cake.  Baylee and Alivea got the baby!  They are supposed to have good luck this year and they are supposed to buy the cake for next year...haha!