Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Our cards have made it OVERSEAS!!!

Right before the holidays we made Christmas Cards for Mrs. Shaide's step-son.  He is serving our country in a very special mission.  He has a very dangerous job and we wanted to so something for him that would help make his holiday season better since he is away from family!  His name is Logan, here is with Alivea and Bo's cards that they made.  He is going to take pictures with the cards in different places and send them to us on occasion.  I am going to also post what he sent us back!

"Here's a picture with Alivea's and Bo's Christmas cards.  I thought I'd take a picture with two at a time in front of different things.  Hopefully the kids enjoy it as well.  More to come soon.  Tell all your kids that I said thank you for the cards.   They mean a lot.  Let me know you if you want me to do anything else for them."

Isn't that just so sweet!  I am very proud of Logan and our Little Hoots for doing this for him!  Also, on the back of each card Mrs. Shaide wrote something about each child so that he could know about their personalities!

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