Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I know some of you have been wondering why your children keep talking about BOSTON!  Well, I would like you to meet the newest member of the Strom family, Boston Eli Strom!  He is a cocker spaniel and he was very abused and was sent to a vet to get better and a wonderful lady named Leslie rescued him from being put to sleep....He lived with her until she could find him a home!  Well, I was sold the minute I saw that sweet little face!  He has been so much fun to have!  We named him Boston because my husband and I are huge Red Sox fans and we went to Boston this past year!  His middle name Eli was the name that he was given at the vet so we wanted to remember that name!  Can you believe anyone would ever abuse such a sweet face?

Since we are talking about animals this week, I thought I would share my sweet baby with you!  I am sure this isn't his last appearance on this blog!!!

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