Tuesday, January 31, 2012


We are signing up for PARENT/TEACHER conferences!  Please make sure that you have turned your form in so that you can get the time that works best for you!

I love BRAGGING on your children and I can't wait to show you all that they are learning!  Make sure that you arrive on time for your conference so that we have plenty of time. 

See you then!

Boring post I know....NO PICTURES...boo!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Hoot of the week and STAR STUDENT LUNCH!!!!

Morisyn is our Hoot of the week!  She is 5 years old.  She is the oldest Little Hoot in our classroom!  She loves to go to Playtime Pizza and go to the CONDO!  She has lots of friends in our classroom she loves to read and write!  She will be a great hoot!

Today was our STAR STUDENT lunch for those that had FANTASTIC behavior last week!  I am so proud of these 5 students who did a great job!
Keep it up and I can't wait to see who gets it for this coming week!  

Friday, January 27, 2012


Today we made "dirt" that you can eat!  First we put Oreo is and bag and smashed them with our hands!

We had to really smash them up good!

Then we had to open up our jello....we used our fine motor skills to get everything opened!

Olivia was one of the first one done opening hers!

Next, we had to get a spoon and put the oreos into the pudding!

Then you stir, stir, stir.....

Add in your worm and then you are ready to "DIG" in!

If this face is any indication of what they thought of it....I would say that liked it!


Special Reader!

Yesterday we had a really special reader!  Lilly's grandpa came to read us a story!  The kids really enjoyed and he even said that he would come back and read to us in a few weeks!  If any of you grandparents that are reading this blog would like to come and read we would love to have you!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Creepy, Crawly, Bugs!!!

Olivia got to wear the antennas!  She was a good helper

Lucas got to wear the wings!!! 

Each week we have been having someone come from Pinnacle to talk to us about different animals.  This week a lady came to talk about creepy, crawly things!  This is such a learning adventure for the kids and they love it!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Magnificent Monday!

Well we started the morning off by Mrs. Shaide bringing us all donuts from Krispy Kreme since it started with the letter Kk that we worked on last week!  She even brought us all a hat!

This was today's LUNCH BUNCH...what is lunch bunch you ask....
Each week I will pick 5 students who have shown EXTRAORDINARY behavior/responsibility for the previous week!  Each Friday I will announce who will get to eat lunch with me that Monday!  Mrs. Shaide and I will be looking for kids that are going above and beyond!  It is my intention that everyone will get a change, but it might be that sometimes the same kids will get a turn!  It will just depend on who is DOING A FABULOUS JOB!  So this week here are the 5!  These 5 students have never had a yellow light!  There are still some that haven't so they might be chosen next week!  This is a great accomplishment! 
Keep up the GOOD WORK!!!!

Lastly, I couldn't help myself....here is Boston last night during the storms...I was trying to keep him distracted...He is scared of thunder poor thing!

Hoot of the Week.....LUCAS!!

Lucas is our Hoot of the week!  He is 5 years old!  He loves to go to Cheeburger CheeBurger!  Sounds yummy to me!  He also has 2 sisters that go to Roberts!  He loves to play with his friends!  He is always wearing a smile on his face!

Little Hoots were feeling BLUE!!!

BLUE ICE THAT IS!  We had blue ice on Friday and it was so much fun.  The kids loved having their tongues turn blue!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Our Weekly Animal Visit

The people from Pinnacle Mountain state park came again and it was really neat!  This time he even brought an alligator.  We all got to pet the alligator with 2 fingers.  We were told that this alligator could grow taller than the man!  That is pretty tall!  We are loving talking about animals!  Next week we will start talking about CREEPY CRAWLY THINGS!!!!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mrs. Shaide is having a BLAST!!

While we have been here having school this week, look who has been living it up in San Diego!  Mrs. Shaide is having a blast...they have been whale watching and this weekend she is going to the zoo!  I hope she will take pictures for us to see of the animals since we are talking about animals!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wonderful Wednesday!

Look WHOOOOOO's wearing their owl shirts!  Jacob and Noah gave them these shirts for Christmas during the exchange!  They didn't plan to both wear them today, so it was a pleasant surprise! 

Since we are talking about animals this week these to cuties decided that they wanted to make animal bracelets.  I think between the two of them they made about 20!  I love seeing little kids getting crafty! 

Also, we have a sub in our classroom this week, Mrs. Aderholt, she is filling in for Ms. Shaide who is living it up in San Diego!  We knows she is having a great time, but we still miss her!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Watch Dog Dad and Other Fun

Here are some of our Little Hoots eating lunch....We have learned to open up all of our lunch by ourselves!  YAY HOOTS!  We are getting bigger! 

Jessica brought these Jelly Beans for the Letter J!  We have been earning our Jelly Beans by doing nice things and staying on green!  We also did some taste testing of some of the different kinds.  We used our sense of taste to try to figure out which kind it was!

Today we had a Watch Dog Dad!  He is the dad of Olivia!  He came and played with us and helped us write our names!  We were so glad that he came to our classroom!  We love our Watch Dog Dads!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I know some of you have been wondering why your children keep talking about BOSTON!  Well, I would like you to meet the newest member of the Strom family, Boston Eli Strom!  He is a cocker spaniel and he was very abused and was sent to a vet to get better and a wonderful lady named Leslie rescued him from being put to sleep....He lived with her until she could find him a home!  Well, I was sold the minute I saw that sweet little face!  He has been so much fun to have!  We named him Boston because my husband and I are huge Red Sox fans and we went to Boston this past year!  His middle name Eli was the name that he was given at the vet so we wanted to remember that name!  Can you believe anyone would ever abuse such a sweet face?

Since we are talking about animals this week, I thought I would share my sweet baby with you!  I am sure this isn't his last appearance on this blog!!!

Fun Interpreter about Animals!

Today we had a man come and talk to us about animals that live in URBAN areas and animals that live in RURAL areas!  We also learned that some animals live in both URBAN and RURAL areas!  He showed us some skins of some animals and he even brought in a real turtle for us to see!  He is from Pinnacle Mountain State Park....they will be coming out once a week for 4 weeks to share with us new information on animals!  Isn't it nice that we have places in our community that do this for free and it so educatinal!  I couldn't help but think about how fun he would be a birthday party especially with boys!  They love that sort of thing!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Jessica is our Hoot of the Week!!!

Jessica is our Hoot this week!  She just turned 5 years old.  She loves to play with horses!  She also loves to go to Orange Leaf to get vanilla ice cream.  She doesn't like to put any toppings on....wish I was more like that HAHA!  She loves to draw at the art center and write words!  We love having Jessica in our classroom!

Our Bears have Hibernated!!!

I hope you enjoyed our video!  It was so cute!

Here are a few pictures from today also!

Friday, January 6, 2012


Today we all wore Razorback attire for the COTTON BOWL!  We will be cheering on those hogs and hope they can bring home a win!  GO HOGS GO!!!

Today we had a special friend come to our class from Little Rock Christian!  Her name is Miss Elizabeth!  She is interning for a few days because she might want to be a teacher one day!  She is going to go to U of A next year!  How Fun!  We loved having her here.  She played in centers with us which was a lot of fun.  She  may get to come back next week!