Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Little Hoot Family Clinic call 501.GET-WELL

Our tool center has been transformed into our very own Little Hoot Family Clinic.  The kids are having a ball using all the pretend Dr. things.  We have been having some kids out sick during this time of year and they love thinking they made that person well, by being at their clinic.  HAHA!  Melissa's dad is a doctor and was gave us some pretty cool things to use in our office.....hats, boots, masks, and the list goes on.  We have an appointment book also that they use to see who is needed in the clinic.  If I start feeling under the weather I will know where to go.  You wouldn't believe how many teachable moments are in a dramatic play center.....writing, language, social, math...!   Here is a pic of Melissa playing like her dad!!

1 comment:

  1. Adorable little doctor - can they send a fix for this nasty head cold that everyone in the office here seems to be sharing. Prescription - drink plenty of water, get lots of rest .... anything else?
